Minggu, 10 Mei 2009

Whether it be gossip...

Gossip has become probably one of the 'hobby' for some people. Although many claim that the activities discuss not like this person, could not be denied that this event has become a fun ritual, especially among women.

Pssttt'', this is only for you only, yes,''so that an expression commonly spoken. But ultimately, most people keep a secret around the same time, alian not already a secret. Gossip that is only fun only? Religion''with the firm
prohibit,''said psychologist Elly Risman. Here are the results of the interviews from the Republika Khosyatillah Rullyantini with psychologists in the foundation and Fruit We Heart this.

Why are people happy to wag?
Basically, it is already present in the human self. That man has a sense of keingintahuan. The theory here, in terms of social psychology, if people face situations that are not clear or not certain, he will deliver it to other people. This theory is called the rumor rumor or theory.

This rumor started mechanisms of prejudice against us or something to want of knowledge affairs. If we are curious but not convinced, we will roll it to others. For example like this, like we do on the domestic life of the A, then we will throw our questions embitterment against the B. If this continues to be, will get bigger again. Moreover, if this case involved and the media.

Then how about the impression watching the television gossip. What is the gossip?
Yes bergosip is clear and that it is also more severe. Man is like watching gossip impression because, as explained earlier. They have
to want of knowledge against other people's affairs. This is why Islam is therefore prevent attitude suspicion, because this is the attitude that makes people tend to bergosip. Moreover, man is always ribbing by the devil, better the devil or demon in existence in human form. That is described in the Qur'an with the explicit letter of An unlucky.

Now, the gossip in the television impressions have such severe. The creator of the event know that this man has a tendency snoop. This is then used as commodities, segmennya views, so out of impressions processed gossip on television. Have the impression this does not have a basic moral and religious, more religious understanding which is very less in our society. The result is that, like the people who watch gossip impressions.

While the benefit? artist? also does not, the community? moreover. Benefit from the impression that this is the gossip that get ad. One thing, we need to realize that gossip is synonymous with eating our own dead brother. In addition, there is no one agamapun that allow this activity gossip.

Normal or not to practice it?
Gossip from the beginning that I want to know the feeling, and the normal-normal saja. Curiosity is the grace of Allah SWT created us. Since birth we have a feeling that, that is five-five that have a phase where they continue to ask, that is the phase when the growing sense
to want of knowledge. From there, this curiosity should be fostered so well that is something positive. Curiosity is also a fruit-detection theory and discovery of a giant in the world. All of the findings at this time, there would not be human if grace was not this one.

However, if any, as I end this now. Want to know the affairs of the people, against the stigma. Made even more material goods. It is correct severe. Gossip becomes the money commodity. What happens in Indonesia is even worse than going abroad. So curiosity is still normal for not be exaggerated. Unlike the television gossip that the longer the in a roller so swell.

Why do women prefer dituding gossip?
Because the women, the active its brain the right of the right, in there and no business relationship among human beings. So things like this to focus their attention. The producers know this woman as this one, therefore they manage this so that the impression be fit for the consumption of women.

What caused "hobby" gossip is the health of the soul?
Wah consequences and this is a lot of damage to many parties, including the source of gossip itself. First, for the source of gossip (eg, artist), they were not aware that what he did that harm himself. All people know so
its deterioration. Is there all that.

Second, this learning process so that the value is very very bad for the community. What is a quotation from us can be eg, the case of artists who have children but not married. This is socialization of the new values in society that
permit adultery or TTM (but intimate friend, red). Do we want our children to do later this attitude as a result of the influence of artists so that the television gossip source?

Third, the impact of the most extraordinary events of this gossip is now befalling children. Just imagine, children have started to discuss the elementary school friends. This is a very severe and highly destructive moral nation. Not shifting the value system which is very unusual behavior due to poor artist who is often shown in television. If you continue to be, negative behavior will become a regular thing.

How can I avoid this habit?
Yes already, so have started to invite a friend bergosip, leave us alone. Of sin, rather than eating their own dead brother, is not it better to go away. Other way is to add insight and knowledge about how merusaknya practices for the life of man.

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